I have always been amazed by hyperlinks! I've wondered how to get them and how to successfully know when to place a hyperlink. Brian Carroll gives great guidelines to hyperlinks, here is what I found to be most important:
1. Hyperlinks should be obvious
2. Hyperlinks should be explicit about what they lead to- readers should know exactly what they are going to be redirected to

One things that Brian Carroll has made abundantly clear in all his advice about digital media is to live by KISS: Keep it Simple Stupid!!! Carroll directly applies this to headlines and sub-headlines. The readers should be able to look at a headline or sub-headline and get the main point of the following information. This allows for easy scanability in an article, and helps to keep the readers attention engaged.
Journalism of Verficiation
In the following writing, Journalism of Verification, the author essentially discusses the importance of being objective, transparent, and honest when being a journalist. The author discusses the importance of not assuming and using credible sources. I think this is very important to being a successful and effective journalist. One example right away that I though of is the difference in journalism between a magazine like People Magazine, where the verifiability of the magazine is high and the journalism presented in it is high versus that of a magazine like The Enquirer. Both magazines are reporting on celebrity or popular media stories, but one is more verifiable due to direct interviews and noted sources, and another is sheer speculation and lies.
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