Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Wonderful World of the Internet

In his article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” Nicholas Carr discusses the evolution of the internet, and how that evolution has resulted in a change in human capacity to absorb and process. Carr uses the example that he used to be able to read a long article or book without tiring. Now, its a struggle to get passed three or four pages. He contributes this to be due to the nature of the internet. The internet gives us what we want, when we want it. Sites like Google allow you to type what you desire into a search engine and almost instantly have an answer. In a way, this conditions our brain to want that instant presentation, not having to search or read page after page to find our answer. I would agree that the internet is changing the way we think and how we think. I, like Carr, notice when I am reading a textbook or novel, after three or four pages am distracted and floating off somewhere other then the book.

Ulmer discusses electracy in his article. The idea that the internet and electracy is supplementing the ideas of science and religion (or literacy and orality). Ulmer goes on to argue that art contributes to elecracy just as much as technology (i.e. computer science). Essentially, Ulmer is introducing the idea that new digital media is an apparatus of the written word and spoken word. 

Personally, I do believe that digital media can either supplement or replace the traditional book. I believe that if children are presented at too young an age with the internet, naturally, they will not be as satisfied or have the ability to read a hefty piece of literature. However, if used correctly, at the right age, and for the right purpose, I do believe that digital media can enhance one's knowledge and better one's life. 

Discussion Question:
  1. As Carr pointed out, the internet is influencing our minds to work in a different manner. That being said, with technology and the internet invading schools (as young as elementary schools), do you think it is appropriate to expose such young children to these search engines before they are used to reading lengthy works?

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